it’s time to be seen…

in your own light

I'm on a mission to help you make sense of (your) life.
The 'Ultimate Astrology Adventure,' (UAA) is a revolutionary online school and community where, from the ground up, you will master the new, paradigm-shifting tool of "Ultimate (Truth) Astrology." With Ultimate Astrology, you will learn to make virtually every aspect of your life true to who you really are, to the real, beyond all boxes and judgments, magnificent you. And for those who want serve others in a professional capacity with this incredible tool, you have the option of pursuing Certification as an Ultimate Astrologer during your time in the UAA... We are currently accepting new students. Would you like to join us?
Tell me more!

in your own light

it’s time to be seen…

I'm on a mission to help you make sense of (your) life.
The 'Ultimate Astrology Adventure,' (UAA) is a revolutionary online school and community where, from the ground up, you will master the new, paradigm-shifting tool of "Ultimate (Truth) Astrology." With Ultimate Astrology, you will learn to make virtually every aspect of your life true to who you really are, to the real, beyond all boxes and judgments, magnificent you. And for those who want serve others in a professional capacity with this incredible tool, you have the option of pursuing Certification as an Ultimate Astrologer during your time in the UAA... We are currently accepting new students. Would you like to join us?
Tell me more!


Understand your personal blueprint, the individualized roadmap to you and your path in life.


Grasp how we're all connected to one another; see each of us as a unique reflection of a clear Divine Order.


See your ‘shadow’ with crystal clear clarity and turn it into a device for self-awareness and ground-breaking personal evolution.


Become conscious of why you do what you do. Learn how to find the true intention and gift of otherwise old and limiting beliefs, habits, and patterns.


Identify, manage, and transcend developmental trauma.


Maximize the potentials of your life cycles as they happen—making it much easier to surrender into the flow of both your particular life and life in general.


Gain much deeper appreciation and compassion for both the purpose and pain of others.


Learn to understand and work with the particular people in your life (romantic partners, children, work colleagues, counseling and coaching clients, etc.), and do it in new, solution-oriented, mutually empowering ways.


Perceive the world in a whole new, symbolic (yet, even more ‘real’ than now) way, opening many new doors of esoteric learning and synchronistic living.


The Ultimate Astrology Adventure is an online school/community for those who seek real, resonant connection, rooted in truly unconditional acceptance, appreciation, and belonging. It's for people who have even a scintilla of faith in the underlying protection and perfection of life, even if they feel lost, scared, or confused at this moment in time. And, above all, it's for those who are ready to master and pioneer a whole new way of seeing and being in the world, a way that completely remakes their body-based experience of life, supplementing (the limits of) the perception of their bodies eyes with a body-less 'sight' that springs from an understanding of the Truth, i.e. the true nature of reality aka the "Ultimate Truth." For, as you will come to know, the Truth tells us about how (your) life actually works. In fact, it reveals—very specifically—who you really are with respect to your body-based experience of life, i.e. your 'build,' your 'personality,' through the one-of-a-kind tool of Ultimate (Truth) Astrology. Thus, in The Adventure, you'll not only find who you really are, but you'll find the rare, invaluable, social and emotional support to live as you really are. If this excites you as much as it does me, welcome home.



What is it?

Hint: it’s a lot of things!

An Online Astrology School

An online Astrology school for anyone (regardless of knowledge, experience—or even belief—in Astrology) interested in building a strong, working knowledge of perhaps the most complete and effective personal transformation tool ever known to humanity. Astrology can be used to decode one's default/habitual thoughts and behaviors in any area or context of their life. Yet, it has been gravely misunderstood, misrepresented, and misused in most modern societies. I started this school to help engender a new and robust group of Astrology learners and users, one that can eventually spread the power of Astrology outside this school's "walls" and show the world what it can do to revolutionize anyone's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness.

A Uniquely Progressive Community

A community of people admitting they're not living fully, authentically, true to who they really are—but sincerely want to be. A community of people asking for real help, through real answers, willing to receive real support. A community of people opening up to a newer, 'truer' way of seeing themselves, the world, and reality itself. A community of people deciding to stop settling, stop aimlessly wandering—and, finally, learn their true purpose. A community of people co-creating a paradigm-shifting field of *truly* healthy social-emotional relating/healing. A community of people having faith that, while life can feel very hard, it can also feel a whole lot better when the right changes are made, realigning themselves with who they really are.

A Safe Place

A safe place to understand your blocks and shadow with crystal clear vision, allowing you to transcend and transform them into strengths/abilities you never knew you had—let alone ever thought you could have.

A Safe Space

A safe space to be vulnerable, supported (as you are), and self-aware in ways you never imagined, leading you to feel more connected, not only to yourself and others in The Adventure, but everyone, everywhere.

A Spiritual Haven

A spiritual haven to explore the deeper truth, i.e. the Ultimate Truth, of who we really are, what this experience of "life" actually is, and how to navigate it in a way that brings us peace and abundance on all levels.

Should I become a member?

(Consider membership if one or more of the following applies to you)

You have a thirst for knowledge and are ready for the answers to life's most important questions

You're ready to understand, accept, and make the most of your unique needs, gifts, challenges, and desires. You're ready for answers to life's most important questions, such as: 'What's my life purpose?' 'What are the qualities of my ideal friendships?' 'How do I actually prefer to give and receive love?' 'What are my greatest emotional needs?' and much, much more. Put another way, you're ready to learn how to live as you really are; you want to live your best life and you're excited to learn to do so.

You're a coach, counselor, psychologist, healer, etc. who works directly with others

You're a coach, counselor, psychologist, therapist, social scientist, SEL specialist, social worker, consultant, teacher, employer/manager, healer, or parent, etc. who works with others to help them 1) be the best version of themselves they can be, 2) replace detrimental habits with beneficial ones, and/or 3) heal their pain. Ultimate Astrology will give you an immeasurable edge over other, similar practitioners and, most importantly, help you help others far more quickly, effectively, and tenably.

You're curious about or already a fan of Astrology

You're curious about or a fan of Astrology but have struggled to really learn it with more traditional methods, teachings, or practitioners (or you haven't yet tried to learn it but want to). You may have been frustrated and overwhelmed trying to memorize placements and their meanings given the confusion caused by the inconsistencies and obscure language commonly used in their explanations. Ultimate Astrology will be a breath of fresh air, providing simple, clear, intuitive understanding.

You want to become a Certified Ultimate Astrologer

You're a student or practitioner of Astrology who wants to learn the craft the way it was meant to be understood and utilized with respect to human self-knowledge. In Ultimate Astrology, concepts of 'planetary condition' like 'detriment' and 'exaltation' are discarded. Instead, you are shown the real purpose and significance of every placement, in the context of that particular chart, as that's the only way to find true and relevant meaning for the individual it represents. See FAQs for more info. 

You're a critic of Astrology, but you're also a truth-seeker whose never actually studied *real* Astrology

You're a skeptic or critic of Astrology... but you're ALSO an open-minded, honest truth-seeker... and/or you're a proponent of self-empowerment, self-growth, and self-awareness who can admit if you've never actually studied *real* Astrology (hint: once you learn what Astrology actually is—because it's NOT what most people, let alone Astrologers, think it is—THAT it really works and why—whether you consciously 'believe' in it or not—you will fall in LOVE with it). I myself was judgmental and dismissive of Astrology before I actually studied it. I'm beyond happy I got out of my own way, so I could do what I really love: serve others.

You are interested in or already use other healing modalities or personality/psychology assessments

You're someone who does shadow work, dreamwork, Jungian analysis, Gestalt, uses Enneagrams, Human Design, Gene Keys, Tarot, DiSC, Meyers-Briggs, HEXACO, or Keirsey, etc. and wants to go deeper by using a tool with a perspective that none other provides: a truly individualized and contextualized understanding of anyone. In other words, no one is simply an "extrovert" or "introvert" or "emotional" or "unemotional," etc. Everyone's default thoughts and behaviors are contextual. Ultimate Astrology reveals one's default thinking and behavior in the context of any area of their life, e.g. home, work, etc.

You're a spiritual seeker/student who's had trouble 'living' it

You're a spiritual seeker/student who's had trouble connecting with and/or 'living' the 'idealistic' spiritual or religious principles you've learned through practices and teachings like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, The Law of Attraction/The Secret/Abraham-Hicks, A Course in Miracles, to name a few—and wants to learn how to do so, once and for all. Or, perhaps, you're fed up with the dogma, agenda, and hypocrisy demonstrated by certain teachings and teachers and are looking for something rooted in Truth and, therefore, fundamentally void of these types of concerns and dynamics.

How does it work?

Basic Training

Whether you’ve had no exposure to Astrology or made it a lifelong study, I need to teach you what is, effectively, a new languagea new way of seeing both life and astrologyin order to learn Ultimate Astrology.

With this in mind, every new student in the UAA starts their journey with Basic TrainingBasic Training is comprised of 8 two-hour classes (16 total hours of learning).

Upon registering for the UAA, I will reach out to you to schedule a short, one-on-one meeting with me. 

In this meeting, I’ll answer any questions you have about the UAA, Basic Training, etc. At the end of our meeting, I’ll send you a link to watch the Basic Training classes. These classes were taught live to the first group of UAA members and recorded. You can “binge” these in one long day, watch one-a-day for 8 days, watch one-a-week for 8 weeks, or however else works best for you. 

There is A LOT of information in these videos. 

My goal is not at all for you to study them meticulously and take exhaustive notes (although you’re certainly encouraged to do so if you have the time, interest, and energy!). My goal is only for you to get exposed to the new language and learning you’ll need to practice Ultimate Astrology. Your real learning will come by applying and experiencing what you’re taught during Basic Training in our live, weekly, group workshops (see below).

All that said, if you have any questions while watching the Basic Training videos, please text or email them to me! I will usually get back to you very quickly. If I can’t, I will get back to you ASAP. And, if your questions would be better answered with a phone or Zoom call, we’ll do that. Whatever you need—as long as I can reasonably do itI’m here. 

As you go through the videos, you’ll see I give out a few exercises/assignments to do on your own. You DO NOT have to do these. That said, if you want to do one or more of them, fantastic. When you’re done with one, email me what you’ve done and I’ll be thrilled to give you feedback. Also, if you finish a particular Basic Training video and would like a PDF of the slides for that class, let me know and I’ll send them right over. Note: when you’ve completed Basic Training, you’ll be given access to the slides from all Basic Training classes.

When someone learns astrology, they generally want to “get to the charts” as fast as possible. That’s where we see the power of astrology come alive and shine in a real, tangible, useful way. And I, too, absolutely want you to get to charts as quickly as possible.

This is why, from the “get to the charts” perspective, and according to your own time and motivation, the quicker you can watch the 16 total hours of Basic Training, the better.

Regardless of when you complete the Basic Training videos, you’ll need to reach out to me by text or email to let me know you’re done. 

We will then have a short phone call. 

If you had reached out to me a little (or a lot) during Basic Trainingwhich usually allows me to get a sense of your progress—I’ll simply answer any questions you might have about Basic Training or joining our live, weekly gatherings. 

If you had reached out to me very little (or not at all) during Basic Training, I’ll ask you a few, simple questions to make sure you understand some of most important tenets of Ultimate Astrology. 

As long as you clearly understand the basics, I’ll immediately send you the Zoom link for the next live, weekly group workshop (see below). You’ll also become eligible to join the optional, weekly, student-led study group any and all weeks you like moving forward. Finally, I’ll give you access to the UAA Community Forum and Archive, our online repository for all learning materials, video replays, ongoing discussions and private member messaging outside of weekly gatherings, etc.

If you clearly do not yet understand the rudiments of Basic Training, I’ll ask you to go back and re-watch part (or the whole) of a specific Basic Training video(s) before joining in the live, weekly, group workshops. This is not at all meant to be a “reprimand” of you or your understanding. More than anything, it’s to protect you, to make sure you’re ready to—at the very leastactively listen and learn during the live workshops, so you can truly benefit. I’m also happy to say, every one of the current members of the UAAwho span the gamut of knowledge of and experience in Ultimate Astrology—are absolutely supportive and helpful to other members regardless of their current depth of their understanding. 



Here’s a general overview of what you’ll learn during Basic Training:

Class 1 will teach you the ‘Ultimate’ Truth aspect of Ultimate Astrology.

In this class, you will gain a foundational understanding of the ultimate, i.e. spiritual/quantum, truth of life and of who you really are. With this, you will then be shown what astrology really is (something virtually no one on Earth knows), why it’s so unique and effective, and how it really works (spoiler: it has nothing to do with the planets and stars!).


WARNING: This class will expose you to what I call  “The Great ‘Secret'” of life and its undeniable ramifications. There’s no way to unknow what you’re shown once you’ve seen it.

Classes 2-8 will teach you the ‘Astrology’ aspect of Ultimate Astrology.

Here, you will learn the “nuts and bolts” of reading an Astrology Chart—the language of Ultimate Astrology (there will be far more learning in the weeks AFTER Basic Training, but a necessary, working foundation will be established during Basic Training that will allows you to move forward into the live, weekly, group workshops).

Basic Training is an exciting—and empowering—time. You’ll learn not only the truth about Astrology and why it works but what the key significators and their symbols in a chart really mean. You’ll even learn from where those symbols and their meanings truly derived! And by learning from the symbological root up, memorization will be minimal because the symbology—all of it—was built to make intuitive sense.

Life After Basic Training: Live, Weekly, Group Workshops

Upon completion of Basic Training, your ‘Adventure’ will shift into the live, weekly, group, chart workshops, additional and advanced trainings, and occasional special topic classes. These are the bread n’ butter of the UAA experience and are tons of fun! Unlike Basic Training, where you’re listening to me teach/lecture in a more traditional way, our live group workshops the are epitome of active, collaborative, engaged learning. They are semi-structured group conversations in which we learn and explore together. At times, we also utilize “breakout rooms” to work in smaller groups when that would best suit our objective.

During our live gatherings, we will work with the charts of well-known Celebrities (since we all share at least somewhat of a common understanding and exposure to them and their lives) and fascinating figures you may or may not have heard of but who offer us worthwhile opportunities to expand our awareness of the unique complexity and magnificence of individuals in humanity. 

We will also do our own charts (if you do not want your chart done in front of the group, that’s perfectly fine, of course), the charts of the members of The Adventurethe charts of our friends, parents, children, spouses, bosses, etc.

Every week will be an exciting, wild, and transformative experience of relating, learning, and incorporating our new found knowledge.

And while we never know what will happen, we do know we’ll all be better for it.

Beyond Ultimate Astrology itself, we have exciting plans down the road for The Adventure and its community members. More on this to come… 

NOTE: I do my best to make sure our time together is fluid and true. In other words, we take more or less time with certain areas/topics/charts as necessary for the majority of the group. 

Finally, because the UAA incorporates new members on a rolling basis, The Adventure, and our community that gives it life, will keep growing and evolving over time. 

When and where?

All new members begin The Adventure by watching the eight recorded, two-hour classes of Basic Training. They watch these on their own time, according to their own needs and schedule.

Once a member completes Basic Training, they join our weekly, main group gatherings (at which time they are also granted access to our online Community Forum and Archive and weekly, student-led study group).

Our main gatherings take place live on Zoom on Wednesday nights from 7:30p-9:30p EST (4:30p-6:30p PST).

Thus, upon completion of Basic Training, new members are eligible to join all other members, i.e. current members, in the weekly Wednesday night gatherings beginning the Wednesday following their completion of Basic Training. 

Before registering, please make sure Wednesday nights work, in general, for your schedule.

NOTE: While you are greatly encouraged to attend our live workshops every week after completing Basic Training, we understand that life happens. Other commitments can, and sometimes do, take precedence over our time together. 

Thus, you are NEVER required or expected to join us live on Zoom if you can’t make a class or workshop. Class and workshop replays will always be made available to members of The Adventure the following day via on our online Community Forum and Archive for you to watch if and when you like. In fact, you could participate in the UAA entirely asynchronously. While I don’t recommend attending in this manner, you can certainly do it if that’s what works best for you.

See below for registration info.

How do I register?

There are currently two levels of membership available in The Ultimate Astrology Adventure:

The Native and The Explorer. 

Both memberships come with a 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked. This means the quicker you can successfully complete Basic Training, the quicker you can start attending as many of the live, weekly, group workshops as you can and see if the UAA is right for you. And, if you decide it’s not right for you, still get a full refund. There’s no risk you. At “worst” you’ll spend 30 days learning a lot of new things and meet a bunch of wonderful people, for free.

Once you’ve registered for one of the membership levels (below), you will receive a confirmation email/receipt. Within a day or so (but usually the same day), I will reach out to you to schedule a short, one-on-one introductory meeting where I will answer any questions you have and give you the link to view the Basic Training videos.

Memberships can be changed, paused, or cancelled at any time during your membership/subscription. See FAQs below for details. 


TUAA Events Calendar

  • Live, EST
  • The Ultimate Astrologer
  • Online


Want an additional 10% off your membership subscription cost for the life of your membership?

Register by January 15, 2024. To redeem, use coupon code "thereisaway" at checkout.

The Native

Our Standard Membership - Pause or Cancel Anytime
$ 77
77 Monthly
  • 16 total hours of the UAA "Basic Training," a ground-breaking course about the true nature of both reality and astrology. You'll learn not only what astrology really is, but how/why it really works. Basic Training will prepare you to move forward into the live, weekly, group gatherings.
  • Unlimited attendance in our live, weekly, 2-hour group workshops on Zoom where we'll practice Ultimate Astrology, do charts of Celebrities, fascinating figures, fellow members of The Adventure, and much more.
  • Access to The Ultimate Astrology Adventure Private Community Forum and Archive where you will be able to keep in touch, get to know, and discuss Ultimate Astrology with others in The Adventure community any time you like in a dedicated, supportive, member-only space.
  • Access to all weekly class/workshop replays and study groups
  • Access to Digital Download Learning PDFs
  • The ideal membership level for most people in The Adventure

The Explorer

Our Premium Membership - Pause or Cancel Anytime
$ 111
11 Monthly
  • You'll get everything in The Native, but also...
  • Once you've completed Basic Training, you'll get a 1-hr, private, one-on-one consultation and/or Astrology tutoring with me once per calendar month. NOTE: Monthly carry over for unused hours is not generally allowed (exceptions may be made) (Value: $1200).
  • One free 30 min Astrology consultation (done by me) for someone of your choosing for every 6 months of your membership (Value $100)
  • Total value over a year's time: $2333 (you're getting a $1000 savings compared to purchasing each item separately)
  • If you're interested in becoming a Certified Ultimate Astrologer, this level of membership, while not required, will hasten the process
  • The ideal membership for someone who wants even more structure, consistent study, and improvement, such as a serious student or practitioner of Astrology.

Words From Others


Absolutely! In fact, many of your fellow Adventurers will be new to Astrology as well. This is one of the reasons we start with Basic Training (the first 16 hours of classes), where we learn (Ultimate) Astrology from the ground up. Not only that, but you will have lots of ongoing support after Basic Training through three built-in mechanisms: 1) the main, weekly classes/workshops, 2) a weekly, member-led voluntary study group, available to all members who have completed Basic Training, and 3) our private community forum and archive, where we discuss our thoughts about topics in Ultimate Astrology, submit exercises we’re given during a class or workshop, post videos, transcripts, and slides from our weekly classes/workshops, and stay in touch with other UAA members through a built-in, members-only, private messaging system.

That’s up to you.

The Ultimate Astrology Adventure is part of a movement I feel myself called to lead: I’m here to bring Astrology—taught from the perspective of the Ultimate Truthto the fabric of our daily lives—everywhere. I’m here to educate and empower the public as to what it REALLY is (because it’s not the Sun-sign silliness most know) and what it can really do for them; most people simply don’t know what they’re missing.

I envision The Adventure growing and growing over time as more people join it to learn Ultimate Astrology, use it to live as they really are—as their authentic selves—and share it with those around them.

I’m looking for people who not only want to learn it, but who want to be a part of this movement, to be a part of bringing truththe Ultimate Truthvia Ultimate Astrology, to every living, breathing person in the world. Our goal is to help make Ultimate Astrology as ubiquitously consumed as bread and water. 

While that may or may not happen in my lifetime, it won’t happen at all if we don’t begin ‘some’ time. And there’s no time like the present.

So, whether you want to stay a member for a day, a week, a monthor twoor six, or a yearor five, or forever, or start, pause for awhile, and come back as needed, it’s perfect.

I don’t know how this will all unfold and transform in time. If you’re here for it, I look forward to unfolding and transforming it with you. If you’re not, I’m just so glad you’re here reading this right now. It’s all progress.

To register The Ultimate Astrology Adventure (and start Basic Training), click here.

Pausing or canceling your membership is quick, easy, and there are no questions asked.

To pause or cancel your membership:

Simply email ( or text me (970-795-2844) the following: 

Your full name and the words “please pause membership” or “please cancel membership” 

I will message you back as soon as I can to confirm receipt of your request. Separately, you will get an additional email showing your subscription has been paused or cancelled. 

If you pause, simply email or text me back when you’re ready to resume your membership by sending me the following:

Your full name and the words “please resume membership”

I will message you back as soon as I can to confirm receipt of your request. Separately, you will get an additional email showing your subscription has been re-activated. 

If you cancel and decide at some point you want to resume, you’ll have to purchase a new membership at at current prices.

Thus, if you think there’s any chance you might want to come back, it’s recommended to pause instead of cancelling. If you pause, but don’t ever come back, your credit/debit card will never be charged again, just as if you had cancelled.

NOTE: If you cancel your membership within the first 30 days (day 1 is NOT the day you pay for your membership, it’s the first day of your first Basic Training class), you will receive a full refund. No questions asked

Please allow 5-10 days for your refund to appear back on the credit/debit card you used to purchase your membership/subscription. If 10 days have passed after cancelling, and your refund hasn’t been posted, call (970-795-2844) or email ( me and I will get that sorted for you.

And please don’t worry if you send me your “please cancel membership” message on day 30 but don’t hear back from me until day 31 or later. The electronic record of the date you requested a cancellation protects and guarantees you will receive your full refund.

To change (upgrade, downgrade or change payment plan) your membership:

Simply email me ( or text me (970-795-2844) the following: 

Your full name and the words “please upgrade membership to (new membership level or payment plan)” or “please downgrade membership to (new membership level or payment plan).” 

I will message you back as soon as I can to confirm receipt of your request. Separately, you will get an additional email showing your subscription has been changed to the newly chosen membership level or payment plan. 

Did you create an account at checkout when originally purchasing your membership?

If you prefer, and only if you created an account at checkout when originally purchasing your membership, you can manage your membership yourself by going to There you will see options to pause or cancel your membership. If you want to change it, you’ll still have to contact me directly, as explained above.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please email, call, or text me anytime.

Glad you asked! First off, no, it’s not just the 12 (Sun) signs that most people are familiar with or their generic, written-for-entertainment-only horoscopes. It’s FAR more useful and complex and sheds very specific light on many aspects of our unique, individual personality. Most people just don’t know enough, if anything, about REAL Astrology to consider, let alone confirm, this fact. 

Think of it this way for now: equating the field of Astrology to the 12 Sun signs (and their generic horoscopes) is like equating a doctor to their stethoscope. 

Can you imagine if a stethoscope was your one and only association with a doctor? Understandably, you neither wouldn’t nor couldn’t have a realistic sense of them or what they do. You certainly wouldn’t think of them as capable of much more than hearing your heartbeat or assessing the state of your lungs. 

If I had to put it in rough numeric terms, knowing someone’s Sun sign is like understanding 5% of who they are. And not only would that 5% be, somewhat, meaningless, but knowing only that particular 5% and thinking that’s all there was to know, would do far more harm than good as it would severely limit and distort your perception of the wholeness of that individual.

But back to the question… how can Astrology, Ultimate Astrology, possibly teach us as much as I’m claiming? Well, the only way for to you to really believe anything I have to say about it is for me to show you first hand. Any intellectualized argument I could make and present to you here about the power and efficacy of Ultimate Astrology is pointless without you and I having a shared experience of its power and efficacy. Thus, if you give me the opportunity to do just that, to help you experience what it can do, you’ll never see Astrologylet alone life itselfthe same way again. 

This is because Astrology is, effectively, special. Very special. And it’s NOT what you think it is. For that matter, it’s NOT what most “rational” people think it is. It’s not even what most Astrologers think it is! It’s something that is fundamentally different from other tools and techniques of thought and behavior assessment, something that transcends them all.

You might be asking yourself, “Well, what is it then!?” and “What makes it so different and special?” And I’d love to answer these questions now, but, again, I need to show you a few things first. Instead, I’ll get you a little closer to what it really is by telling you what it’s NOT for now:

Fundamentally, Astrology is NOT related to the planets and stars. 

Let me repeat that. 

In reality, it has NOTHING, yes nothing, to do with the planets and stars.

You read that right. 

If you join The Ultimate Astrology Adventure, in the very first class of “Basic Training,” I will teach you what Astrology really is and what makes it so different, so special. Then, as you experience it’s power for yourself in subsequent classes, you’ll realize not only that it works in the ways I’ve claimed, but thatbecause of what it really isit MUST.

Ultimate Astrology is Astrology as it really is, as life really is at its essence. It’s Astrology in it’s truest, purest form: through the lens of The Ultimate Truth—the fact that we are not actually these bodies, but infinite forms of consciousness itself imaginarily ‘interacting’ with itself. 

Ultimate Astrology is a culmination of many years of personal study and practice not only as an Astrologer but as a student and practitioner of spirituality and ‘spiritual living.’ 

Functionally, it’s an individualized roadmap, for anyone, to a life in the body as informed by ‘Ultimate’ Truth of our real, ‘spiritual’ identity. In other words, it’s a guide to a happy life, an individualized guide to your happy life. 

Structurally, Ultimate Astrology is deeply-rooted in modern Western Astrology. So, if I had to label it Eastern or Western, it’s certainly Western.

There are many differences between the two general forms of Astrology. For now, it’s important only to understand the differences in the basic intentions and customary uses of each:

Western Astrology is focused on understanding the uniqueness of a person and their potentials, which are specific but, effectively, “gray” areas realized to one extent or another (according to a person’s consciousness, as you will learn in Ultimate Astrology). It also aims to understand the ever-changing phases one goes through in order to best go with “the flow” on offer. That said, modern western Astrology is rooted in Ancient Greek, i.e. ‘Hellenistic,’ Astrology, which, in many ways, is more similar to a traditional practice of Eastern Astrology (as both Hellenistic Astrology and Eastern Astrology are rooted/heavily influenced by proto-astrological practices in ancient Assyria/Babylon, aka Mesopotamia, and Egypt). 

Eastern/Hindu/Vedic Astrology (aka Jyotish) is focused on ‘correcting’ a person’s ‘flaws’ or imbalances with respect to certain pre-conceived standards of health and propriety, i.e. identifying their “strong” and “weak,” their “good” and “bad” characteristics so the “good” can be emphasized and the “bad” can be de-emphasized or neutralized to ‘normalcy.’ Likewise, Eastern Astrology aims to predict “right” and “wrong” for a person’s choices in life, such as who/when to marry, how many children to have, what career to pursue, etc.

BOTH Western and Eastern Astrology (and their various, hybrids, permutations, offshoots, etc.) are widely used throughout the world and have tremendous value because they meet different people where “they’re at.” In other words, what’s right for someone is a personal choice, one that may even change over time as their perspective does.

While many people join The Ultimate Astrology Adventure only to learn and use it to better their own lives, some want to make Astrology their profession or, at the very least, become credentialed in the field. If this is you, and you would like to become a Certified Ultimate Astrologer (CUA), you must do the following:

  1. Contribute to and complete a synthesis/analysis of a minimum of 100 natal charts during the course of either groups classes, e.g. as part of The Ultimate Astrology Adventure, and/or private tutoring with me.
  2. Complete, record, and deliver to me (by email or similar) a minimum of: the recordings of 3 full natal-chart readings/coaching consultations, 3 full transit and progression readings/coaching consultations, and 3 full relocation readings/coaching consultations for individuals of my choosing. I will hold one-on-one feedback sessions with you between each session. If I deem you’re not yet ready to perform to the standards of a Certified Ultimate Astrologer, I might ask you to do additional readings or other assignments.
Upon completion of these requirements and my satisfaction with your readiness, you will receive an official, framed certificate signifying you as a Certified Ultimate Astrologer. You will also receive a published listing on confirming your certification date and giving out your professional contact information. 
Depending on your time spent/level of commitment, you will likely need 1-3 years to complete your certification.

Contact me at or text/call me at 970-795-2844 for more details on becoming a Certified Ultimate Astrologer.

Meet Anand


Hi! My name is Anand Vadehra aka The Ultimate Astrologer.

I’ve had an undying passion for truth (The ‘Ultimate’ Truth) since I was a small child. 

Likewise, helping others clear their clouds and find what’s true for them in their career, love-life, home-life, etc. with the help of the incredible tool of Ultimate Astrology brings the greatest joy to my heart. 

My path to the field of Astrology and the creation of Ultimate Astrology, however, was not at all the expected one (as if there’s such a thing).

In my 20s, I was a Ph.D. student in Chemistry at the world-renowned California Institute of Technology (Caltech). At that time, I was a strong believer in ‘scientific’ thinking as the principal way to truth in, essentially, all areas of life. I used to laugh off ‘pseudo-sciences’ like Astrology.

During my third year in grad school, I had an epiphany: I was in the wrong place. I realized I just didn’t enjoy being in a windowless, basement Chemistry lab fourteen hours a day. I wanted to be out in the light! Most importantly, I wanted to help transform people, not molecules.

Trusting this, I left Caltech in search of a way to follow through on my new found awareness. 

The moment I did, something miraculous happened: Astrology, a topic I’d always scoffed at, written off as nonsense, suddenly seemed to draw my attention. I couldn’t explain why, but I began to wonder if it might in fact be legitimate, worthy of actual exploration. My intuition was screaming at me to look into it.

And once I did, I never stopped.

I started studying ‘real’ Astrology day and night. Like the trained scientist I was, I started testing it, applying it to my life and those around me. 

I was blown away by its unparalleled accuracy and utility in understanding an individual’s motivations and behaviors. Over. And over. And over again. 

There’s far more to my story, especially the ‘spiritual’ aspect of it, but here’s the bottom-line: I’ve now been an Astrologer for 20 years! During my time, I’ve been blessed to create and develop Ultimate Astrology, a one-of-a-kind tool for both spiritual and practical transformation. 

To this day, it’s astonishing to see just how much I’d originally misperceived Astrology and it’s inherent value to the betterment of one’s life. So, take it from me, a MAJOR skeptic for nearly the first 28 years of my life, there is nothing quite like Astrology and, now, Ultimate Astrology, when it comes to understanding both ourselves and others. 

If you’ve never had a reading with me, booked me for your event, or taken a class with me, I’d be truly honored if you gave me the opportunity to show you what Ultimate Astrology can do and how much more like ‘you’ it can help you feel.

Events and Readings


To get a quote or book me for an event (virtual or in-person), call/text me at (970) 795-2844. I am often bookable with 48 hours notice (and sometimes less). My passport is current and I'm available for travel worldwide.


To book me for a reading, select one of the options below. After paying, call/text me at 970-795-2844 to schedule (or contact me to discuss scheduling before you pay). Readings are (usually) done by Zoom or phone.

My Soulmate

$ 111
  • What are the qualities of my ideal partner, my "soulmate?" What are my relationship needs?
4 your heart

My Places

$ 222
  • Like certain people, certain places bring out (or suppress) certain parts of you. Find out which places in the world hold your best chances for love, money, community, etc. Note: this reading is a actually a fusion of a number of techniques.

My Birth Chart

$ 333
  • Who am I? Why do I do the things I do (in various areas of life)? What are my greatest gifts and challenges, and how can I work with them to live my most authentic, empowering, happy life possible?

My Future

$ 333
  • What kinds of life phases lay ahead for me... 1 month from now, 1 year from now, 10 years from now? How can I use this information to reduce my stress, go with the flow of my life, and make the most of what the universe offers me?
big picture

My Life Purpose

$ 333
  • Why am I here? What am I supposed to do with my life? What am I THE BEST at? What makes me special? What has to changeand what has to stay the samein order for me to have the career of my dreams and fulfill my unique life purpose?
4 your soul

My Loved One and Me

$ 444
  • How can I transform the seemingly impossible challenges between myself and a particular, close relationship (e.g. my child, my parent, my spouse, my boss, etc.) Note: this reading is actually a fusion of a number of readings and techniques.

Become an Astrologer

Become a Certified Ultimate Astrologer

Would you like to make a career out of Ultimate Astrology? You can become a Certified Ultimate Astrologer in as little as 1-3 years. Click below to email and set up an information call to discuss what your path to certification could look like depending on your level of commitment to the program. See FAQs section above for additional info.